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9. Dez. 2015
GFA supporter Commerzbank with Company Presentation at Campus Westend, December 9th, 2015
With an interactive speech and company presentation about "Bank Treasury in den Wogen der Märkte und Regulierung" and the presentation of...

5. Dez. 2015
Boxing bei Teambuilding-Weekend von Enactus Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Team am 05.12.15
Auf freundliche Einladung des Enactus Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Teams gab Master of the Sweet Science und USA Boxing Metro Certified...
3. Dez. 2015
GFA supporter Simon-Kucher & Partners with Creative-Workshop at Campus Westend, December 3rd, 2015
With an interactive and challenging Kreativ-Workshop about "Wie sieht die Bank der Zukunft aus" and the presentation of the career...
2. Dez. 2015
GFA meets Sun Yat-Sen University at House of Finance, December 2nd, 2015
Upon kind invitation from student representatives of Sun Yat-Sen University/Lingnan (University) College Dr. Trummer, VProf., gave an...

2. Dez. 2015
GFA supporter BNP Paribas with Company Presentation at House of Finance, December 2nd, 2015
With an interactive speech and company presentation about "Let's Design Tomorrow" and the presentation of the career programmes BNP...
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