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9. Sept. 2015
Dr. Trummer gives Leadership Speech at US Military Academy West Point, Sep., 2015
Upon kind invitation of the United States Military Academy West Point Dr. Trummer, VProfessor, gave a speech about Authentic Leadership...
2. Sept. 2015
Dr. Trummer gives boxing training at world famous Gleason's Gym New York City, September 3rd, 2015
Upon kind invitation from the President of Gleason's Gym New York City in Brooklyn, Dr. Trummer, VProf., had the pleasure and honor...
1. Sept. 2015
GFA at Freshmen Event on Campus at Columbia University in the City of New York, September 2nd, 2015
Upon kind invitation of the Columbia University Dr. Trummer, VProf., had the opportunitiy attending the celebrations of Inauguration of...
5. Juli 2015
Guest Speeches of Prof. Matarazzo and Prof. Matarazzo (University of Catantania), July 6th, 2015
Top Executive Guest Speeches with Prof.ssa Dr. Agata Matarazzo and Prof. Dr. Benedetto Matarazzo (both University of Catania) about "The...
24. Juni 2015
GFA supporter A.T.Kearney with Company Presentation at House of Finance, June 25, 2015
With an exciting interactive Strategy Lecture about Banking in a digital world and the presentation of the job offers and the dialogue...
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