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10. Mai 2018
Dr. Harry W. Trummer gives Boxing Workout for Lions Clubs International in Mannheim, May 2018
Upon very kind invitation of the Presidents of one of the finest and largest fitness brands in the world - Fitness First - Vis.Prof. Dr....

7. Mai 2018
GFA @ Tag der Initiativen 2018 at Campus Westend, May 8th, 2018
Upon kind invitation of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration GFA welcomes the students and presented at...

2. Mai 2018
GFA supporter Rothschild with Company Presentation at House of Finance, May 3rd, 2018
With an interactive company presentation about Corporate Finance and M&A and the presentation of the challenging career opportunities...

2. Mai 2018
GFA meets Absolventum-Netzwerk University of Mannheim, May 3rd, 2018
Upon kind invitation of the Absolventum-Netzwerk of the University of Mannheim Vis.Prof. Dr. Trummer had the opportunity meeting the new...

27. Apr. 2018
GFA meets Enactus Goethe University Frankfurt Team at Campus Westend, April 28th, 2018
Upon kind invitation from the Enactus Goethe University Frankfurt Team Enactus University Advisor Vis.Prof. Dr. Harry W. Trummer had the...
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