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3. Okt. 2019
Dr. Trummer gives leadership seminar for Master students at University of Catania
September/October 2019 Vis.Prof. Dr. Trummer visits the University of Catania and gives Leadership Seminar for Master-/PhD-students...
26. Sept. 2019
GFA begrüßt Erstsemester bei E-Woche
In halbjährlicher Tradition begrüßte die Goethe Finance Association am vergangenen Dienstag die Studienanfänger*Innen des Fachbereiches...
11. Sept. 2019
Dr. Trummer organizes "Students meets Professionals" at University of Mannheim
Which skills needs students for a successful entry in a professional career - which content should have a CV or a Coverletter - all...
9. Sept. 2019
Dr. Trummer gives lecture "Leadership in the Financial Industry" at Goethe University Frankfurt
Dr. Harry W. Trummer, Hon. Lecturer at University of St Andrews/School of Management and Vis. Prof. starts with the weekly lecture and...
8. Sept. 2019
Dr. Trummer new Lions Clubs President
Vis. Prof. Dr. Trummer is elected new Lions Clubs International President of LC Mannheim Schloss. He is initiator and organizer of the...
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