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GFA at University of Catania/GFA/CGFEA Career Fair, November 12, 2013

Over 200 participants in the full Aula Magna attended the University of Catania interactive company and career day which was organised by the University of Catania together with Dr. Trummer, VProf., from GFA/CGFEA and with opening statements from the Dean, the Decanus Presidente di Corso di Laurea Magistrale and Dr. Trummer and the attendance of global companies like IBM, IKEA, Jo Group, Credito Siciliano, UniCredit - a great thank you and big compliments to this successful event!

Prof. Dr. Trummer also gave lectures, seminars and exams for Master- and PhD-students in "Leadership in the Financial Industry" and CV-/Coverletter-checks for all students. We had challenging and very interesting company presentations and discussions with the students and a great networking get-together with the University faculty members, the company executives and our students. Big congratulations to all participants and the Dean of the University of Catania.


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